Saturday, January 31, 2009

British and American English

A. Introduction
Although English is generally the same all over the world, there are several differences between British and American English.

B. Spelling
Sometimes American and British English users spell things differently. Some of the main differences are:

British words end in


colour, labour, humour


theatre, centre, metre

defence, offence, licence

-elled, -elling

travelled, cancelling

American words end in


color, labor, humor

theater, center, meter


defense, offense, license

-eled, -eling

traveled, canceling

In British English, words that end in -ize or -ization can often also be spelled -ise or -isation, for example both organization and organisation are correct in British English, but the letter z is the correct American spelling. However, the word advertise is always spelt with an s.

C. Vocabulary

Some words for the same things are different in British and American English. Here are some examples:

British American

tap faucet

cooker stove

petrol gas

toilet bathroom

trousers pants
railway railroad

wash up do the dishes

wash your hands wash up

jug pitcher

campsite campground

Sometimes words are neither specifically British or American, but a British or American speaker is more likely to use one word than another. For example, the word
angry is correct in British and American English, but Americans usually use the word mad. The phrase a bit is also acceptable in both, but Americans are more likely to say a little. Similarly, British speakers are more likely to use the noun and verb post instead of mail, although mail is correct in both British and American English.

D. Grammar

There are also some grammatical differences between British and American English, for example when you are choosing the correct preposition to use. Here are some examples:


You can phone us
on 0800 123123.
He looked round the corner.

Her accent is different
from/to mine.


You can phone us at 01 800 555.
He looked
around the corner.
Her accent is different
from/than mine.

Sometimes, Americans can miss out a preposition when British people would always use one, for example with the verb
protest. British speakers would always use the preposition about: Some students were protesting about the war, but the preposition can be missed out in American English: Some students were protesting the war.

E. Pronunciation

This dictionary shows the standard British English pronunciation, then the standard American English pronunciation after two lines (like this ||).

Some words are stressed in different ways in British English and American English. Look at the entry for

1 / a'dres || a'dres, 'ædres / n [C] 1 the details of where someone lives or works, including the number of the building, name of the street, town etc: I forgot to give Damien my new address. 2 a formal speech: the Gettysburg Address

Speakers of American English often say ADDress, whereas speakers of British English always say addRESS.

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